Welcome to Drikung Seattle!

Drikung Seattle was founded by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche in 2013.  Drikung Seattle is a Dharma center in the Drikung Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. All are welcome!

The Center is open!
We request all visitors to please adhere to COVID protocols.

Drikung Serattle Center 2022
Achi Shrine

New Events

New Statement by Garchen Rinpoche on the Benefits of the Seattle Drikung Dharma Center

“So, the dharma center in Seattle, that is benefiting everyone, is my center that Lama  Zopa Gyamtso (formerly known as Lama Abao) is looking after and taking charge of. The center has turned out really wonderful, and that is because of all your great effort. It has really improved and coming along well. And that is an incredible merit & virtue. That virtue remains with you, until …” (Read here)

Donation information

A password is required to access online (Zoom) group practices. For security reasons, this changes weekly.

Please email [email protected] for Zoom ID and password.

H.E Garchen Rinpoche has requested that his disciples around the world recite White Tara mantras as much as possible for all the beings who are suffering from natural disasters now .

Download World Peace Prayer

Event Schedule

Mar 28-30 Prayer of Kuntuzangpo-Khenpo Yeshi

Regular  Practices

Every Wednesday: White Tara – 7PM

Vajrakilaya Bi-Weekly Practice – Saturdays @10AM
NOTE: Please call the center prior to arrival.

White Tara Mantra Accumulation

Click to add recitation accumulations for the long-life of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche.

Popular Downloads

Milarepa Guru Yoga & Took  (639KB)

Drikung Kagyu Daily Prayers (3.3Mb)

GBI Prayerbook  (3.7Mb)

See our Resources section
more more downloads

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